Funeral Arrangement

Decide on the location and duration of the Wake.

-   Permit from Town Council is required if the Wake is held at the void deck (bring along photocopy of Registration of death? ). Charges applied.

-    Permit from Land Transport Authority (LTA) is required if the Wake is at a landed property and part of the road outside of your house will be used.

-    If Wake extends more than 7 days, prior written permission has to be sought from National Environment Agency (NEA). Click here for NEA corresponding address.

Contact pastor or Pentecost Methodist Church office @ 65840297. 
Service officiators will be assigned by the pastors’ office. Requests for specific service officiators will be processed on a case by case basis.


The Funeral Director can help with the booking of the date and time for cremation or burial.
(Note: If the deceased is to be cremated, any valuables placed in the coffin will not be recoverable)

After the funeral, if the bulletins used are from PMC, please return these to the church office.

Ashes of the deceased can be stored at home or in a columbarium. Niches are available at the three government columbaria and other private columbaria.

Ashes may also be scattered at sea. Do observe the designated site. Contact Port Marine Safety Control Centre @ 63252488 for further information. The Funeral Director can arrange for this on your behalf.

If you wish to place an obituary, click here to contact the local newspaper.