<< The following questions only serve as a guide.  Feel free to adapt the questions to your group and the time available. >>




An Unexpected Gift – A few months ago, my girlfriend and I got engaged. It wasn’t anything fanciful; just a simple proposal in church, which is where we met. A few days later, she surprised me with a gift – a brown rectangular box. Inside it was a pair of sneakers. I asked what motivated her to buy me such a gift. She replied candidly: “The girl shouldn’t be the only one receiving an engagement present. The guy should receive something too!” I chuckled and smiled at her reply. I was very thankful for the gift because it revealed something important about the giver – rather than feeling entitled, my fiancée was very appreciative of what I did for her during the proposal. While social custom required me to buy her an engagement ring, she was by no means under any obligation to buy me anything in return – she simply delighted in doing so. Lastly, I was very thankful because I didn’t have any pair of sneakers then. I had only one pair of casual shoes. Therefore, the gift met a very practical need.


Recall a gift you received that made you feel very thankful. What was the gift and why did you feel so thankful for it? Share with your group.




Read Ephesians 2:1-10


Brief Recap: In the last session, we talked about knowing God’s power. Paul refers to the resurrection of Jesus Christ as the supreme display of God’s power in the universe. In today’s passage, Paul moves from the cosmic to the individual. How is God’s power supremely displayed in believers like us? Let’s find out!


1.      According to verses 1 to 3, how does Paul describe our past condition and lifestyle? List down the descriptions in the table below.




e.g. We were dead.

e.g. We walked/lived in trespasses and sins.








2. It may not be apparent to all of us, but this was indeed our condition and lifestyle before we received Christ. Let us think more deeply about each description in the table. What do they mean and how do they reflect a very bleak and desperate situation?



3. Verse 4 is the ‘hinge’ in this passage, and it begins with this wonderful phrase: “But God”! God comes to fulfil our greatest and most desperate need. Consider verses 4 to 9. What did God do to change our situation? Describe it using your own words.



4. Look at verses 8 and 9. Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone. It is a free and undeserved gift from God. However, many people still believe that they must earn their salvation by doing good works. Do you ever feel like you need to earn God’s favour or grace? If so, why do you think it’s hard for you to accept his grace as a free gift?



5. What do verses 4 to 9 reveal about God’s motivation in saving us? In view of this, what do we convey to God when we try to earn our own salvation?



6. While we are not saved by good works, Paul reminds us in verse 10 that we are saved for good works. How does our salvation and verse 10 spur us on to do good works?



7. Ask God to reveal to you what good works you can do this week to demonstrate your salvation. Take 2-3 minutes to think and pray individually, then share with your group.





Close the session by (i) thanking God for His gift of salvation (tell Him why you are thankful!), and (ii) submitting every plan to do good works to Him.