Tithe Commitment / Giving


Tithe Commitment

Let’s take this time to reflect on all that God has blessed us with this year, and prayerfully consider how we can be faithful in our giving. We are now open to receiving tithes for year 2024. You may pledge online via the link below.



Giving can be made via PayNow, internet banking or crossed cheque.

1) PayNow (UEN No: S87CC0489C)


Log in to your bank's existing mobile banking app. Scan this QR code on the right.
In the reference section, please indicate type of contribution (eg. pledges, offering, building fund etc.) and service attended (eg. EM for English, YM for Youth, PM for Peranakan).

2) Internet Banking Transfer

Name of Bank/ Branch :   DBS Bank/ Parkway Parade (if required)
DBS Bank Code/ Branch Code :   7171/ 027 (if required)
DBS Autosave Account Number :   027-002054-2
Name of Account :   Pentecost Methodist Church (if required)

Please indicate your full name in the remark/comment field during transfer.

3) Cheque
Crossed cheque payable to Pentecost Methodist Church. Please do not issue cash cheque.
Indicate your full name behind the cheque.
Mail it to 4 Pasir Ris Drive 6, Singapore 519420.

Bequests, Gifts and Legacies.jpeg

4)Bequests, Gifts and Legacies
From time to time, the church has been asked regarding the making of bequests, gifts and legacies to PMC. Members and friends who wish to make a donation to PMC through their Will are advised to name as the intended recipient

“The Secretary of the Trustees of the Trustees of The Methodist Church in Singapore, a body corporate incorporated by & under the Methodist Episcopal Location Board Ordinance, Chapter 368, Singapore Statues on behalf of and for the benefit and use of Pentecost Methodist Church, currently located at 4 Pasir Ris Drive 6 Singapore 519420."