
Seniors Fellowship
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 3:00pm
(Multi-Purpose Hall on 3rd Level)

(Suspended until further notice)
GLOW (God's Love Overflows Within) Outreach Wednesday
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month, 3:00pm
(Multi-Purpose Hall on 3rd Level)

Life Group
2nd Friday of the month
7:30pm - 9:30pm at member’s house

For more information, please contact us at pentecost@pmc.org.sg.

Seniors Ministry

With today's ageing demography of the nation, a new reality and the revealing phenomenon of people living longer and leading more active lives, the Seniors Ministry in PMC has an increasing role to play in ensuring that senior members of the congregation are growing at full potential in their spiritual journey. 

To meet this challenging demand of seniors who want to remain useful, viable and continue learning and growing personally, this ministry is tasked to help them toward accomplishing these objectives in their glowing years. The Seniors Ministry provides the venue and opportunity for weekly interactions and fellowships of seniors by organising activities that meet their spiritual and physical needs. 

This packed list includes: fortnightly sermons, Bible reading, relevant daily Christian living such as quizzes on the Bible and general knowledge, indoor and outdoor activities such as line dancing, board games, karaoke, tutorial on musical instruments and planned outings to complement the Ministry's overall programme. It is designed to dovetail into the total integrated effort of the Church in its stated vision and mission statements.

Join us if you are a senior or if not, do bring your family & friends to join us!